
ANN Search Benchmark

codelibs/search-ann-benchmark evaluates the performance of various Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) algorithms, comparing both response time and accuracy metrics. This provides a comprehensive comparison of ANN-enabled systems for handling high-dimensional data spaces.


The tests focus on two main metrics:

  • QTime(msec): The time taken to respond to a search query, calculated as the average time for 10,000 queries.
  • Precision@K: The accuracy of the search results for K=10 and K=100.

The tables also include columns labeled "Top 10" and "Top 100," which indicate the number of results retrieved:

  • Top 10: Retrieves the top 10 results.
  • Top 100: Retrieves the top 100 results.


The tests involve searching through a dataset of 100,000 vectors with 768 dimensions, yielding the following results:

ANN Search (Vector Only)

Product Top 10 Top 100 Test Date
QTime Precision@10 QTime Precision@100
chroma 0.5.1.dev62 4.6503 0.99221 7.1557 0.95765 2024-05-18
elasticsearch 8.13.4 1.8377 0.83293 8.8651 0.85367 2024-05-18
milvus 2.4.1 4.3008 0.92688 4.9182 0.96550 2024-05-18
opensearch 2.14.0 1.9460 0.89278 11.2180 0.99244 2024-05-18
pgvector 0.7.0-pg16 15.6283 0.99618 16.3863 0.97681 2024-05-18
qdrant 1.9.1 1.1776 0.91994 1.3329 0.93882 2024-05-18
vespa 8.340.17 1.8430 0.99252 2.0475 0.95533 2024-05-18
weaviate 1.25.0 5.7286 0.99264 7.0746 0.95675 2024-05-18

ANN Search with Keyword Filtering

Product Top 10 Top 100 Test Date
QTime Precision@10 QTime Precision@100
chroma 0.5.1.dev62 - - - - 2024-05-18
elasticsearch 8.13.4 2.2647 0.99416 9.4367 0.99559 2024-05-18
milvus 2.4.1 4.4548 0.91888 4.9932 0.92372 2024-05-18
opensearch 2.14.0 3.4879 0.99402 9.7153 0.99924 2024-05-18
pgvector 0.7.0-pg16 15.9677 0.34081 15.9396 0.05644 2024-05-18
qdrant 1.9.1 0.7339 0.92389 0.8615 0.94783 2024-05-18
vespa 8.340.17 3.6441 0.99979 4.2933 0.99411 2024-05-18
weaviate 1.25.0 6.6178 0.99991 8.0084 0.99988 2024-05-18

The tests are run on GitHub Actions, and the results are collected and summarized in tables. These benchmarks provide basic reference values, allowing users to evaluate and select an appropriate system based on their specific requirements. Be sure to test and verify the chosen solution's performance in your particular context before deployment.